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South Korea claimed that regardless of whether or not China will deploy the Chinese side to respond to Sade


Q: This morning, Chinese and foreign media briefing, Vice Minister Li Baodong said Xi Jinping, president of the Davos Forum will be the first time the Chinese head of state to attend this forum. Does China have any special consideration?

A: This morning, Vice Foreign Minister Li Baodong briefed Chinese and foreign media on the upcoming state visit of President Xi Jinping to Switzerland, attending the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in 2017 and visiting the Swiss International Organization.

On the World Economic Forum, we all know that it is known as the vane of the world economy. It is also an important platform for exchanging views on important issues such as the world economy among the leaders of various countries, heads of international organizations, business circles, academic circles and media leaders.

The current world economy is in a key stage of the conversion of old and new growth momentum, the traditional engine is difficult to support the process of economic recovery. At the same time, we all note that we are faced with challenges such as the slump in international trade and investment, the rise of protectionism and the impact of the multilateral trading system. We also have some doubts about the process of economic globalization. Chairman Xi attended the meeting to address international concerns on economic globalization, elaborate China's position and views, promote the objective understanding of economic globalization and actively guide the process of economic globalization toward a more inclusive Pratt & Whitney direction.

At the same time, the Chinese side is willing to work with all parties to analyze and explore the deep-seated causes of the world economic growth dilemma, and find out the direction and path of the world economy going out of predicament.

President Xi will also combine the international community's focus on China's economic hot spots, expounding China's reform and opening up the achievements and development experience, enhance the parties to the Chinese economy more objective and in-depth understanding and understanding.

We will provide you with information on the current situation of the Presidency attending the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, visiting Switzerland and visiting Swiss international organizations.

Q: When President Obama delivered his farewell speech on international affairs, he said that unless the United States gave up its position, the international influence of China and Russia could not compete with the United States. Do you agree with this statement? What's your comment?

A: I can say a few words.

First, there may be times when we are not in the same frame of thinking as the US. China has always advocated the democratization of international relations, so when talking about our relationship with the outside world and the international community, more consideration is given to China's own development, we can provide more international public goods and other countries to make more Multi-contribution, rather than our influence on other countries.

Second, if we have to talk about influence, I would like to say that according to the logic of the Chinese people, what kind of influence a country has played in international affairs may be judged by the majority of members of the international community rather than by their own decisions. .

Q: Recently, Chinese media have reported on the entry of Chinese fighters into South Korea's air defense identification areas, saying that with the increase of the size of the Chinese Navy and Air Force, the expansion of the scope of activities will be inevitable. What is the position of the Chinese Government?

A: I noticed that the South Korean media has recently made some comments. Chinese Navy spokesman has made a statement on this. In recent years, Chinese armed forces have organized warships and airplanes to go to the relevant international sea and airspace for offshore training, and gradually normalized. These training activities are consistent with relevant international law and international practice, as well as the rights enjoyed by the Chinese side according to law. I recommend you to the Ministry of Defense to understand the specific circumstances.

Q: South Korean national security chief Jin Kuanzhen yesterday with the US-appointed president of national security affairs assistant Flynn said after the meeting, regardless of the Chinese opposition or not, the ROK will continue to promote the deployment of "Sade" system. What is China's comment?

A: I believe you are very clear about China's position on the "Sade" issue. We believe that the South Korean government agrees with the United States in the deployment of South Korea "Sade" anti-missile system, seriously affect China's strategic security interests, will seriously damage the regional strategic balance. China resolutely opposes this. We really do not want to see this as a very unfortunate incident, as the ROK's insistence on doing harm to China-ROK relations.

Q: Did Alibaba Chairman Ma Ma talk to US President-elect Trump before he briefed the Chinese government?

A: I do not understand what you said, but I noticed that President Trump of the United States met with Mr. Ma Yun, Chairman of Alibaba's Board of Directors.

I would like to say that there are many exchanges between Chinese and American enterprises. With the deepening of China's reform and opening-up and the export-oriented economy, business contacts between China and the United States are increasing and more and more exchanges between Chinese entrepreneurs and the international community. Two days ago I said, we will not comment on the activities of each enterprise. But I can objectively say a few words about Sino-US economic and trade relations.

As we have said many times, Sino-US economic and trade relations are essentially mutually beneficial and win-win. China and the United States are the two largest economies in the world, and their economies are highly complementary and have great potential for mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. After nearly 40 years of cooperation, it has brought a lot of tangible economic and social benefits to the two sides and the people of the two countries, such as increasing employment and so on, as well as providing important impetus for world economic growth. We agree that the governments of the two countries should continue to encourage the enterprises of the two sides to strengthen cooperation and create more favorable conditions and provide more facilities for this purpose.

Q: It is reported that the US-appointed Secretary of State Tillerson intends to criticize the illegal construction of the South China Sea island and reef in the speech of today's Senate nomination hearing and said the US side will not accept China's vague promise on the DPRK nuclear issue. To solve these problems, he argues, the world needs a stronger America. What is China's comment?

A: China's position on the South China Sea issue is very clear, and I will not repeat it. I would like to say that since the second half of last year, China and some around the South China Sea island reef controversial neighboring countries have returned to a consensus that the South China Sea dispute should be negotiated by the direct parties to negotiate a peaceful settlement at the same time, China and ASEAN countries common And strive to maintain peace and stability in the region. This excellent situation is worth cherishing. We also hope that all foreign parties will earnestly respect the common will and common interests of the countries in the region.

As for China's position on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, its policy and its role, I believe you are very clear. The Korean Peninsula is a close neighbor of China. We care more about peace, stability and security on the Korean Peninsula than any other country. This is also our own security interests. For a long time, China has played a significant role in facilitating the denuclearization of the Peninsula and maintaining the mediation of peace and stability on the peninsula. But the international community knows that the crux and origin of the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula is not in China. We hope that the United States and the DPRK, as the most critical parties, will actively oppose each other and create favorable conditions to return the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue back to the correct framework of the six-party talks. .

Q: Last week, the US National Intelligence Agency submitted a report to President Obama that US-elected President Trump has great commercial interests in China. What is China's comment?

A: There are a lot of opinions about the business contacts between China and the United States. I have no comment on this. We have repeatedly said that over the past 38 years, China and the United States have maintained close and frequent contacts in the economic and trade field, and there is close contact between Chinese and American entrepreneurs as China's reform and opening up and Sino-US economic and trade exchanges continue to deepen. We can not comment on every business deal or business activity.

Q: Yesterday, the Chinese Ministry of Education issued a circular urging that the expression of "8-year Anti-Japanese War" be changed to "14-year Anti-Japanese War" in primary and secondary school textbooks. Why is the Chinese side going to make this amendment?

A: The Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan is an important part of the world's anti-fascist war. As the main battlefield of the world's anti-fascist war in the East, China's anti-fascist war broke out at the earliest and took the longest time. The Chinese people and the Chinese people have sacrificed enormous national sacrifices and demonstrated great national spirits without fear of rape and heroic resistance to aggression. .

In view of the 14 years after the "September 18 Incident", the history of the Anti-Japanese War is a whole, the Chinese Ministry of Education proposed amendments to the local textbooks of primary and secondary schools in China, and changed the "8 years of war" to "14 years of war". I would like to point out that we emphasize history, not to perpetuate hatred, but to arouse the young generation's desire for peace and adherence, because only remember the history, can really create the future.
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