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Long - ho 's quality policy
The pursuit of excellence EXCELLENCE

The Relationship between Philosophy and Quality Policy of Longhao Company
Internal development: business philosophy is real, quality, Czech Republic, and
External expansion: quality policy quality first, service first, the pursuit of excellence

Quality Policy Thrust and Execution Method of Company

A. Quality comes first
1. Quality first --- never compromise to adhere to the quality
(To not compromise the quality of the company for the supremacy of the business philosophy)
2. Quality comes first --- to create unique quality
(To create and maintain the supremacy, to create unique quality to pioneer the market and customer service satisfaction)
3. Quality first --- the pursuit of quality without defects
(Based on any work, there must be a good determination and attitude)
1. Implementation of the company-wide quality management
2. Our next downstream operating units, will become our customers, and quality is the ultimate customer requirements.
3. Everyone should do their work anytime, anywhere to ensure the quality of work
4. Overall quality range can be expressed in our --- products, clean environment, items stacked, work discipline and quality.

B. Service First
1. The first service --- formalized management of the first service company
(In order to formalize the purpose, and get customer recognition, complement each other so that the company continue to develop and serve more customers).
2. Service first --- unparalleled first service products
(Unparalleled, and in the trust of customers at the same time, but also allow customers more trust)
3. Service first --- practical work of the first service-oriented staff

C. Pursuit of excellence
1. Pursuit of excellence --- the pursuit of "good" but also better than the "better", has changed their methods of doing things and ensure product quality.
2. The pursuit of excellence --- always the quality of the supremacy and the first service forever
Product competition in the international market and consumer demand for product quality is increasing, so now not only to maintain the quality of the first and service first business concept, but also to continue to research and development, the implementation of automated manufacturing process to rationalize and human management, Work bottlenecks to create greater company benefits and individual success.

 Long - ho 's business philosophy
Business philosophy:
A. Quality: total quality management, the right thing to do in the first time.
B. Agility: agile grasp of the changing environment, calm face, fast action. C. Innovation: learn to grasp the trend, to create competitive products and good services.
D. Services: customer-oriented, understanding than to meet customer needs, to seek better customer service.
E. Cooperation: effective communication, full authorization, teamwork, to complete the company's common goals.

Long Hao mission

Yikeweizun, people-oriented, providing high-quality and competitive products and services, and create profits
Share customers, employee shareholders and the community to become the world leader in 3C products.
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