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ocial Responsibility Report

While continuously developing and growing, Longhao Optoelectronics never forgets the social responsibility that the enterprise should undertake, adheres to the concept of win-win for society, employees, customers, and investors, and promotes coordination, harmony, and sustainable development between the enterprise and society.

This report truthfully and objectively reflects important information about the company's fulfillment of social responsibility in production, operation and management activities. I hope this report can help all sectors of society understand our company's active fulfillment of social responsibility while promoting economic development. At the same time, the company also hopes to accept social supervision, so as to enable the company to take on more and better responsibilities and obligations to society.

1、 Company Overview

Beihai Longhao Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2016, specializing in the production of tablet computers, televisions, car displays, electronic whiteboard touch, and touch all-in-one machines. We are a large high-tech enterprise that integrates research and development, production, and sales, with sizes ranging from 7 inches to 120 inches. The company implements modern, scientific, and humanized management, which meets the development needs of the international market. The company has a sound and clear organizational structure, and a senior technical team with more than ten years of professional experience in processing cover glass, which has been deeply recognized by industry customers. We always adhere to the business philosophy of "loyalty, unity, hard work, dedication, innovation, pragmatism, integrity, and win-win", actively exploring domestic and international markets, and sincerely developing together with new and old customers.

2、 Economic performance report

The global epidemic situation in 2021 is severe, and the company is in a critical period of deepening reform and turning losses out of difficulties. While preventing and controlling epidemic risks, there are multiple pressures such as intensified competition in the production and manufacturing market and lower sales prices. Faced with difficulties, the company attaches great importance to it, responds quickly, and resolutely implements the deployment and requirements of epidemic prevention and control work, coordinating epidemic prevention and control arrangements and production and operation work. It has also struggled to resist the invasion of the industry's market cold wave, ensuring the stable development of the company.

(1) To achieve economic stability

In 2021, while the whole company was firmly united in prevention and control, the work of turning losses and overcoming difficulties was carried out in an orderly manner under the current severe situation. With the assurance of safe production and correct decision-making of employee health, and the continuous efforts of the management, various effective measures were taken to cope with the increasingly competitive impact of the domestic market, and all tasks were fully completed.

(2) Diligently cultivate internal skills and overcome difficulties

1. Strengthen factory basic management and enhance control capabilities

2. Fully explore domestic and international markets and leverage product competitive advantages

3. Increase investment in technology and enhance independent innovation capabilities

4. Improve the quality management system to ensure steady improvement of product quality

5. Establish strategic alliances with customer suppliers to help each other and enhance the company's risk resistance capabilities

3、 Social performance report

Longhao Optoelectronics not only ensures rapid, healthy, and stable economic development, but also pays more attention to the performance of corporate social functions, actively assumes social responsibility, and contributes to the stability and prosperity of society.

(1) Caring for enterprise employees and implementing the talent driven enterprise strategy

Employees are the most basic unit that constitutes a company, and they are also the strong cornerstone on which the company relies for survival and development. Longhao Optoelectronics always adheres to the philosophy of "cultivating talents first, and then achieving success in the enterprise", and truly cares for its employees; Emphasize talent cultivation and build a healthy career platform for employees to grow; Recognizing and respecting the personal interests of employees; Cherish the lives, health, and safety of employees.

1. Employee training and improving talent development

Adhere to putting the cultivation and cultivation of talents as the top priority in all work, and implement a comprehensive talent driven enterprise strategy. The company attaches great importance to strengthening the training of professional knowledge and business skills for various personnel. Through conducting lean management training for grassroots management personnel, the management level and ability can be improved; For professional and technical personnel, continuing education should be carried out to promote knowledge updating and improve innovation capabilities.

Organized 400 frontline employees to participate in the 2021 Employee Skills Competition, and took this as an opportunity to organize more than 100 job skills training and special training sessions, improving the practical operation level and safety production skills of frontline employees, creating a strong atmosphere of comparison, learning, catching up, helping, and surpassing, promoting the improvement of the work level and quality of the employee team, and providing a solid talent guarantee for the post epidemic industry recovery.

2. Protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employees

Pay attention to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employees, strictly implement various social insurance systems in accordance with national policies and documents, handle "five insurances and one fund" for employees, and fully protect their vital interests. In order to create a safe working and living environment for company employees, the company has established a Safety Production Committee to standardize enterprise safety management work and conduct periodic inspections of the company's production safety. And organize employees to participate in fire knowledge training, and hold fire drills within the park to effectively improve their self-protection ability. In addition, the company regularly organizes all employees to undergo physical health examinations, distributes labor protection equipment, and ensures the physical and mental health of employees.

3. Labor standards

Approximately 400 voluntary laborers are employed throughout the year. Workers are not required to submit any government issued identity cards, passports, or work permits under employment conditions. The wages paid to employees comply with local laws related to wages, including laws related to minimum wages, overtime hours, and statutory benefits. According to local laws and regulations, the overtime pay for all employees meets the relevant local wage requirements. The company does not discriminate against employees based on race, skin color, age, gender, sexual orientation, race, disability, pregnancy, faith, political affiliation, club members, or marital status in the employment and actual work.

4. Caring for employees and improving their quality of life

In order to improve the quality of life and accommodation conditions of employees; Provide condolences and subsidies to employees who have fallen ill and are hospitalized due to family difficulties. The company regularly organizes cultural and sports activities, such as badminton matches, outdoor team building activities, departmental networking activities, and the fourth factory sports meet, to create a relaxed and enjoyable organizational culture atmosphere. Enriching the leisure life of employees greatly enhances their sense of corporate identity and cohesion, deepens their understanding of corporate culture, forms a good working and living atmosphere, and enables them to devote themselves to work with more enthusiasm.

In addition, the factory office has been beautified with various trees, flowers and plants, and the green area has been expanded, creating a harmonious and comfortable living and working environment for employees.

(2) Continuously strengthening safety work

Based on the current situation of safety management, adhering to the policy of "safety first, prevention oriented, and comprehensive management", fully implementing the main responsibility of safety production, improving the intrinsic safety level of equipment, reducing violations on production sites, strengthening the pre alarm monitoring and management of important hazards and hidden dangers, the company's safety management level has steadily improved, and has achieved a good result of zero safety accidents on production sites for all units throughout the year.

1. Grasp safety work closely and never relax at all times

2. Seriously promote, implement, and implement national security regulations

Timely tracking of updates and releases of safety production laws, regulations, and standards, and updating and supplementing relevant documents. At the same time, the organization invites senior safety managers and legal and regulatory trainers from local industrial parks. Conduct real-time evaluation and training on whether the activities of the company and other relevant personnel comply with relevant laws, regulations, and standards, to ensure that the company's products, activities, and services all comply with the requirements of national laws, regulations, and standards.

3. Deepen the company's safety management by using safety evaluation standards as the starting point for acceptance.

In order to improve the overall safety management level of the company and make various safety management work more standardized and smooth, the company regularly carries out self-evaluation and rectification activities, and uses safety evaluation standards as a starting point for acceptance. Overall, the safety management procedures are refined, greatly reducing safety hazards on the production site and deepening the company's safety production management.

4. Strengthen safety training and education to improve the safety quality of employees

In order to improve the overall safety management level of the company and enhance the execution ability of safety management personnel at all levels, the company has provided training to workshop team leaders on safety management knowledge, fire safety knowledge, flame and explosion prevention safety knowledge, production site and occupational health knowledge, effectively improving the safety protection technology and ability of employees.

5. Strengthen the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in key areas, and prevent the occurrence of safety production accidents

Based on the OHSAS8001 standard, ISO14001 standard, safety/environmental management system management, and the "Safety Production Management System" as the inspection and management basis, in 2021, Longhao Optoelectronics identified multiple key hazardous control areas and proposed specific safety control measures and inspection requirements. Based on this, each workshop conducted timely safety hazard inspections on key hazardous areas.

In addition, the company has submitted a three-level safety production standardization review application to the Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau, and the certificate will be obtained soon.

(3) Actively safeguarding the interests of shareholders, investors, and other relevant parties

As a joint-stock company, in addition to ensuring the smooth operation of production and operation, safeguarding the vital interests of employees, and strengthening safety production management, actively fulfilling information disclosure responsibilities, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of shareholders and other stakeholders, it is also a concentrated manifestation of the company's social responsibility.

4、 Environmental performance report

While achieving sustainable economic development, Longhao Optoelectronics also focuses on environmental sustainability and actively builds an environmentally friendly enterprise.

(1) Energy conservation and emission reduction, strengthening sewage discharge management

Through technological innovation and other means, we will continue to deepen the implementation of energy conservation and emission reduction. By adopting advanced technology and building a self built water circulation system; Reduce wastewater discharge and improve water recycling and reuse efficiency. At the same time, the company has further strengthened its management of sewage discharge, greatly reducing environmental pollution and preventing the occurrence of pollution accidents.

(2) Vigorously Developing Solar Glass Covers

While completing customer orders, the R&D department is vigorously developing green products such as solar glass panels, making significant contributions to the sustainable development of the environment.

5、 Epidemic prevention and control work

Since the comprehensive response to the epidemic prevention and control work, the company's epidemic prevention and control leadership group and production and operation control group have steadily promoted epidemic prevention and control and production

In the work of production and operation, while doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control in this region, actively responding to the call of the national government, the municipal party committee, and the park management committee government, fulfilling corporate social responsibility, party organization leaders at all levels stick to their positions, go deep into the front line, timely guide and grasp information, assume the responsibility of epidemic prevention and control, put the safety and health of the people first, and the whole company is firmly united in prevention and control, making every effort to fight against the pneumonia epidemic.

(1) Quick response and unified deployment

In the early stage of the outbreak of the epidemic in 2019, the company quickly responded to the deployment of epidemic prevention and control work by the Municipal Party Committee and Park Management Committee. Leaders at all levels of the company attach great importance to epidemic prevention and control, study stable production strategies, actively cooperate with relevant work of the national government, deploy the epidemic together with production and operation, establish the company's epidemic prevention and control leadership group and production and operation control group, and carry out epidemic prevention and control and overall production and operation work solidly and effectively, Establish a four unified work mechanism of "leadership, command, action, and reporting" to ensure that the company's epidemic prevention and control are integrated with production and operation. At the same time, the company has further strengthened and redeployed epidemic prevention and control through various forms such as WeChat platform and mobile communication. In accordance with the relevant work requirements of the Municipal Party Committee and the Park Management Committee, epidemic prevention and control work has been made the primary political task, with meticulous decision-making and rapid response

Effectively organize and organize all aspects of epidemic prevention and control work in an orderly and effective manner.

(2) Analyze the situation, take action, guide and promote the implementation of epidemic prevention and control work throughout the company

Since the investment in epidemic prevention and control work, the company has fully responded and implemented in accordance with the overall requirements of "external input prevention, internal diffusion prevention, and inspection and early warning". The company has urgently purchased disinfection, protection, temperature measurement and other support materials to ensure that epidemic prevention materials are in place for each company and unit, and has established a ledger and made emergency reserves for protective materials. The company strictly reviews vacation and outreach activities, establishes daily personnel information statistics, and provides real-time control and 14 day quarantine measures for personnel traveling to medium and high-risk areas. Especially during the critical period of epidemic prevention and control, in order to ensure that epidemic prevention and control work is synchronized with normal production and operation, the company's production plant and residential living areas have taken comprehensive actions to prevent the epidemic. Among them, each company and unit in the production plant area shall regularly ventilate and disinfect densely populated areas (such as rest rooms, conference rooms, and elevator rooms) and production public areas at designated locations. The company's security guard measures and records the temperature of incoming employees, foreign visitors, and personnel accompanying foreign materials and vehicles, and promptly reports and disposes of abnormal personnel. The company synchronously establishes personnel control information for relevant personnel involved in the business, identifies abnormal personnel for timely prevention and control, and provides some epidemic prevention and control materials unconditionally in response to limited work resources of relevant personnel in our company, in order to jointly fight against the epidemic. In addition, regarding the resumption of work after the holiday, the company's epidemic prevention and control leadership group has established the concept of resuming work and epidemic prevention and control throughout the company, using a safety production mindset to prevent and control the epidemic. All companies Each unit conducts a comprehensive inventory of production operations around five aspects: disinfection and cleaning of production equipment and tools caused by employee restrictions or isolation, epidemic prevention and control of production material supply vehicles and personnel, epidemic prevention and control monitoring, and prevention of infection in production and office public areas, to carry out comprehensive prevention and control. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of the company's epidemic prevention and control leadership group, the safety management department conducts daily inspections on the epidemic prevention content of each company and unit, such as "protection and disinfection, epidemic prevention education, epidemic prevention measures, elimination of three violations, and 5S management", and fully follows up on the control of post holiday resumption personnel, environmental disinfection, epidemic promotion, material preparation, and other aspects of work in each unit to ensure the implementation of the company's epidemic prevention and control measures. At the same time, in light of the changing trends of the social epidemic, in order to quickly respond to and deploy epidemic prevention work, the company's Epidemic Prevention and Control Office has formulated rapid and accurate emergency response measures for epidemic emergencies.

(3) Solidly and effectively carry out epidemic prevention and control through publicity, education, and guidance

The epidemic prevention and control leadership group organized grassroots organizations to carry out publicity, education, and guidance on responding to the epidemic of infectious diseases, and to provide knowledge on epidemic prevention. The spirit of important instructions, the dynamics of epidemic work, and the elements of epidemic prevention have been popularized to the general staff through enterprise WeChat, news updates, promotional banners, pasting notices, etc., comprehensively enhancing the public's self-protection awareness and epidemic prevention actions in the work and production areas, achieving the requirements of unified thinking and unified action in epidemic prevention and control. Regularly distribute promotional materials such as "Warm Reminders on Epidemic Prevention and Control" to all employees and drivers of logistics vehicles entering the company, paste and distribute them at the company entrance, and promote and inform all employees and drivers of logistics vehicles entering the factory, ensuring strict adherence and execution.

6、 Outlook on Social Responsibility of Longhao Optoelectronics

Looking ahead to the future, Longhao Optoelectronics will continue to actively assume social responsibility, fully implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, strengthen the construction of independent innovation capabilities, adhere to the path of promoting enterprises through science and technology and talent, continue to attach importance to scientific research, new product development, and the introduction of new technologies, establish a sound assessment and incentive mechanism to encourage independent innovation, form a complete technical management system, and continue to increase management and institutional innovation, Continuously improving corporate governance and industrial restructuring, enabling the company to firmly grasp the initiative of independent innovation, enhancing the core competitiveness of the enterprise, and achieving rapid, stable, and sustainable development of the company. According to the requirements of international standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 8001:2007, IATF16949:2016, comply with relevant laws, regulations and current regulations, comply with customer requirements, and establish a sound system
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