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1、 Enterprise vision: to focus on customers and create the most satisfactory products for customers.
2、 Enterprise tenet: manufacture the best quality products and provide the most honest service.
3、 Development goal: "to be first-class in the industry and first in the country."
4、 Enterprise spirit: "unity and mutual assistance, benevolence and dedication; innovation, dare to fight for".

It is the basic guiding ideology for the good development of an enterprise, through communication, coordination, cooperation, to create a fair and just good
The enterprise environment forms a situation of unity of mind and step by step.
"Mutual assistance"
The communication, assistance and cooperation between each person in the enterprise can help others, but also let others when you have difficulties
Help you, in such an atmosphere, make the company develop.
Human beings have "human nature", and enterprises are human nature formed by human beings. So the corporate culture
What is "nature"? In fact, the "nature" of corporate culture is people-oriented. But what exactly is
"People oriented" and "humanized management". Through the perfect care system, employees can feel the respect of the enterprise,
Help and love. Make employees love the enterprise and work. Develop with the company.
According to the ability and conditions, every employee strives to provide valuable things for the enterprise and help the development of the company
In order to make sure that we and the company get more benefits, we should embody our talents and abilities.
"Development and innovation"
Development and innovation is the soul of enterprise development. Any extensive scientific research activities and reasonable suggestions of employees are helpful to the development of the company. Through the modernization, humanization and standardization of management concepts and means. Realize technological innovation and management innovation.
"Dare to fight"
We should dare to work hard and prove our ideas with practice and innovation. Personal innovation, personal struggle is the source of the company's development; the company's innovation, even if we strive for the power and direction of progress.
5、 Core values: (three hearts)
Make customers confident
Reassure shareholders
Make employees happy
Explanation: the ultimate goal of an enterprise is to innovate and make valuable things more valuable. Good products enable customers to cooperate with us at ease and create their own things; each shareholder can cooperate with the company at ease and have a good development strategy for long-term development to create their own world together. Employees are the backbone of the enterprise. To make them work happily and happily is the goal of the company's development. We need customers, enterprises and talents!

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